video pitches

New on Decksender – Video Pitches

Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash

Video Pitches have come to Decksender. A great opportunity to go beyond a pdf powerpoint and really get your passion across to investors.

So finding investors has been taken care of.

Now we’re rolling out another new feature on Decksender to help you close the deal. Many of you will be familiar with video pitches, certainly, if you’ve ever crowdfunded video is often a requirement on most platforms. We think it’s a great way to better connect with investors, give it a try.


The power of video


As we’ve seen over the last year or so video is one of the best ways for us to connect with each other. Pitching is no different, certainly when the alternative is emailing a pdf! Of course, nothing beats face-to-face but when your sourcing investors all over the world and you’re operating on start-up budgets it’s only ever really practical for those in your immediate vicinity. Video is the best alternative, the numbers don’t lie. An Indiegogo study revealed pitches with a great video raise 4x more than those without.

As a medium video gives you the chance to speak directly to your audience and inspire them through music, movement, and human connection.


What a good video pitch looks like


Like the elusive pitch deck, there is no single template to rule them all. But, there are a bunch of things that have been proven to work better than others.


Video length

The ideal length of a good video pitch should be no more than 5 minutes. Of course, there’s always room either side, it simply comes down to what you need to say versus what you want to say. The reality is that a video pitch, like a pitch deck, should get to the point quickly and act as a jumping-off point for a deeper discussion.


Hook the viewer

The intro is super important. use it to get the viewer’s attention. Introduce yourselves, the presenter, presenters, and intro the product and why it’s cool. Attention spans are short a great intro will ensure the viewer stays engaged for what’s to come.


Seems obvious but make sure you address:

  • Who you are, the business and people
  • What you’re raising money for
  • When/where i.e timings, locations etc
  • Why should the viewer care


Show rather than tell

Have a simple demo, show screenshots, animate something. Use the power of video rather than just simply to camera person talking, or worse still someone talking over PowerPoint slides. Whilst we love Zoom try to avoid your pitch looking like a Zoom recording.


Support benefits with features

Much like in any good pitch support the benefits of your product and service with the features that make them a reality. Better still show them.


Don’t be an invisible voice over

We all grew up watching David Attenborough, a voice in the darkness guiding us through the natural world. Unfortunately, you’re not David Attenborough. Show yourselves, make it clear who is talking over the video.


Make sure it’s clear

Talking of making it clear, try as best you can to ensure any sound recoding is is as clear and crisp as possible. Nothing spoils a great video more than bad sound.


End with a clear call to action

No different than any other form of pitch. A good call to action is vital, don’t forget this on your video and don’t be embarrassed about asking for money, your ideas great we believe in you.


We hope this has given you a little insight into the power of video pitching. Try it out for yourselves and let us know any feedback.

Send your video pitch to investors with Decksender

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